Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Refudiating" Palin's Racist Tweet

Thank You for your article. Please write more about the Muslims who died in WTC. Believe or not this story is often largely ignored. As for Sarah Palin, I truly think if she gets another office seat, it will be disasterous for Americans as a whole. The whole purpose of a supremacy movement is to gain govermental control so they can enforce their ignorance and stupidity upon others with no one to stop them. Remember Adolf Hilter and the Nazi Party, who ran Germany until 1945 while sending 6 million people to their graves. Remember the Ku Klux Klan, who terroized the south and lynched blacks and jews. What did these two along with Ms. Palin have in common? They used religion,specifically Christanity along with fear to give white americans a reason to commit crimes and to be racist.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fast food pushing up US obesity

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem

It seems that America's addition to fast food is quickly expanding our waistlines and sending us to an early grave. In the piece, it shows places like McDonald's offering salads, just because they offer salads does not necessarily guarantee that the salad is healthy either. Some of McDonald's dressings and salads have as much calories as their Big Macs and Cheeseburgers. Let's be honest, it's time to go back making our meals at home and knowing where our food is coming from. I'm liking and appreciating the local food movement as well as getting my meats from Halal butchers. Our country wants their lives and food done quick, fast and in a hurry.

Inshaallah, I prefer to eat my meals at home where they are made with love, honor, and conviction.

May Allah reward you with good,


10 Tips to Fight Depression ! | Trying to Spread the Message

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem

While surfing the net, I found some insightful information about how 2 deal with depression the Islamic Way .

May Allah reward you with good,

10 Tips to Fight Depression ! Trying to Spread the Message
