As Salaamu Alikum,
One of the hardest thing a person- muslim or non muslim- has to go through is the death of a marriage. Marriage is one of the most beautiful insitutions in the world. When two people come together who are willing 2 grow and committ to each other for life, it can be a blissful union and children can thrive in that union. However, when all options have been exhausted and when it becomes painfully obvious that two people cannot work cohessively as one, divorce becomes the necessary evil that must be done.
People take the end of a marriage differently. Some have celebrations (divorce parties) where they either drink themselves to a stupor or bash their former spouse as if they had no good memories. Some go into full frontal obsession, afraid of or refusing 2 let go of a marriage that they've been in 4 so long. Neither one of these paths bring closure because it only masks the hurt.
I'm now accepting the fact that my marriage is over. It was not even salvageable. May Allah grant my ex healing in his heart and may he find his way back to fully practicing the deen correctly. I am realizing that my soul, my heart and my mind need healing as well. It means having to start over both in my deen and in my life. May Allah give me the ease.