Monday, June 7, 2010

Inspired by Muhammad

Inspired by Muhammad is a new website and ad campaign that was unleashed in Britain today by the Exploring Islam Foundation. I checked out the website and found it to be highly informative. The launch of this website was based on recent survey that the EIF did with the YouGov company with non-Muslims in Britain. Here's what the survey found:
  • 60% believe that Islam oppresses women
  • 58% associate Islam with terrorism
  • More than half of those surveyed thought Islam to be an extremist religion
  • 57% percent of Britians get their information about Islam from television and news reports
Inshaallah, this campaign will help show that Islam is a peaceful religion that Muhammad (SWT) was a peaceful prophet.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Music- Helpful or harmful to our deen

Listen to internet radio with AmericanMuslim360 on Blog Talk Radio

A stubbled upon this about whether music if forbidden. This is comming from AmericanMuslim360 on Blog talk Radio
