Friday, May 21, 2010

Both Silent and Angry Protests Take Place Against Facebook

Yesterday, I took one day off from Facebook as most Muslims did, because facebook allow a contest called draw Mohammed day. But some countries took it a step further. Pakistan interrupted both Facebook and Youtube service. Thousands of muslimahs and muslims took to the streets demanding that both websites be banned in their country for allowing the site to continue with this group. As of this posting, Facebook has since shut the group down and has kicked off the member who created it.

I checked FB today and found that very few Muslims have logged backed on to the website. Inshaallah, Facebook and Youtube will learn to think before they allow such groups to enter.

May Allah Bring Peace and blessings,


Monday, May 3, 2010

Inside Story - Banning the veil

Well, Europe has decided to go to war against the niqabis. First France, now Belgium Parliament has unanimously voted to ban the burqa in public. At least in America, I can wear my burqa because I'm protected by freedom of religion.
