Monday, January 25, 2010
Tomorrow is not promised

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
2010: A New Decade
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful
May Allah bring peace and blessings upon everyone. Believe it or not, we made it through the first ten years of the millennium. We've gone from the Y2K scare to just about everybody and they mama having a blog, Facebook or tweeting every little fact and detail about their lives. But in the first ten years of the millennium, I have started to see scary trends as the digital age started to bloom.
- The Death of Privacy. Celebrities and flashing cameras everywhere following them to the latest eateries and stores. Tabloids use them as fodder to get people to buy them. Reality television has gone from something of substance, like True Life and The Real World, to something of utter train wreck and stupidity, like MTV's Jersey Shore and Bravo's Real Housewives series. In a way, it has cause generation y to be more obsessed with what's going on with only them than about what's going on with others and the world around them.
- The Birth of Ignorance and Fear. Eight years of the Bush Administration proved that when powers go unchecked, it can bring about disastrous consequences. When the attacks of September 11th, 2001 happened it gave the administration the power to search people's homes without a search warrant, wiretap phone conversations without a search warrant and to arrest innocent people for no reason. Two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan only brought bloodshed and they could not find the supposed 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden. Anyone who spoke out against the war was at best called unpatriotic and at worst was put on a no-fly list. Worst of all, Muslims and minorities suffered the worse under the Bush Administration. For African Americans, it was the improper handling of Hurricane Katrina. For the Hispanic community, it was the crackdown on illegal immigration and the battles of the drug cartels for money and power. For Muslims, it was the constant racial profiling and discrimination, the name calling as well as false imprisonment, the raiding of our masjids by the FBI and the blacklisting of Islamic organizations from receiving donations for their supposed "ties to terrorism."
- The Blurring Line. America has turned into a country where its citizens have failed to distinguish the difference between what is free and what is demoralizing and oppressive. The Internet has become a battling ground over what is public and what is private.
Only Allah knows what the next ten years will bring. May Allah Bring peace and blessings to you and yours, Muslimah.
From Muslimah2Muslimah's YouTube page, A Muslimah decides to take the plunge and put on the niqab. Later on today, I will post up something about surving the first ten years of the millenium.